Currently, the Palestinian market depends approximately $4.2 billion annually on imports, compared with 0.7 billion dollars of exports. This leaves a difference of $3.5 billion, which represents the amount that the Palestinian market consumes through foreign imports. In addition, the population of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza) comprises about 4.5 million people, for the market, representing 4.5 million consumers with needs to be met.
2) Favourable economic policies:
The Palestinian Authority has taken note of the shortfall in the Palestinian market, which for years has implemented a law to encourage investment in Palestine. This law allows, among other things, start a business without paying any tax for 5-10 years depending on the amount of investment. It has also created various services to facilitate and provide information to prospective investors.
3) Similar successful initiatives:
European organizations are investing in Palestine through companies formed with Palestinian businesses, which it has meant that companies that take between two and three years in the market are getting close to double profits than expected, and the tendency to invest is growing every day.
4) Value-added investment:
the investment is giving the opportunity to the Palestinians entrepreneurs to produce locally, to create products that are not in the Palestinian market, to find a substitute to the Israeli product, to increase stable employment and ultimately, to develop and expand a network of companies and factories gradually that raise their economy.
5) High risk management:
The Palestinian population has undergone multiple attacks, clashes and uprisings, also has experienced a constant restriction on their livelihoods, but despite this, several economic indicators have shown increases in recent years (5.9% growth economic in 2012), and population centres remain alive and with gradual growth.
6) Talented professionals:
Palestine is historically a land of successful merchants and entrepreneurs, which today has been boosted with international level universities (such as the University of Birzeit and Bethlehem) and to the improvement of young people abroad.
7) Strategic geographical location:
Historically Palestine has been the forced crossing of caravans, cultures, civilizations and empires, and its privileged geographical position enables it to be the hinge between Asia, Africa and Europe.
8) Regional market access:
Palestine maintains various trade agreements that open the door to the regional market, in addition to the agreements that privilege Palestinian products in the Arab world, which opens up a market of 350 million consumers.
9) Highly tourism attraction:
Tourism is an important source of income and it is estimated that about 3.45 million people visit Holy Land each year, which opens the door to a growing market that is always looking for innovative services and local products.
10) Products of the Holy Land:
It is easy to recognize the dedication in the Palestinian products, coupled with the quality and creativity of them, which is why products like olive wood carved figures, furniture with mother of pearl and embroidery are required by tourists and highly valued in international markets.